
Works of Vitaliy Merkulov

Code Samples

Consuming RESTful API with JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

In this example, I take the data from the weather API and display it on the page. I use JavaScript to get the data from the API, and use a combination of jQuery and Bootstrap to put data into DOM. Take a look at the js code, there are comments every step of the way so you’ll be able to see what I’ve done here.

See the Pen Consuming RESTfull API by Vitaliy Merkulov (@vitworks) on CodePen.

See code in full screen at


Responsive Form that looks different on desktop/tablet/mobile

In this example, I’m showing you a web form that has a lot of fields that show up differently on each screen size to make the form look better and more usable depending on the screen size.

See the Pen Responsive Bootstrap form by Vitaliy Merkulov (@vitworks) on CodePen.

See code above code in full screen at

See screenshots of the project and link to a live demo on my portfolio at


AngularJS API feeder App

This App takes JSON data from Formula 1 Racing API and shows detailed informations about each driver.

See full code at